The Message of The Cross

 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1st Corinthians 1:18

For time immortal, mankind has attempted to make sense of the world around him through philosophies, theories and basic knowledge.  Mankind simply cannot grasp the Truth of God.  Only His wisdom will help us to traverse the right path for our lives.  

From a human perspective, it seems strange that the Creator would come to Earth as a man, die on a wooden cross, come back to life then go back to Heaven.  IT may even seem more impossible that our very salvation would come from believing in that same Jesus Christ  that died for our sins.  How could the death, burial and resurrection of a man so long ago determine the destiny of every single human ever created?  We simply cannot comprehend the Cross and its complete message.  

Mankind's wisdom may can show us our problems, but it can't provide all of the solutions to them.  Hopefully we understand that every single basis for our problems is sin.  The sinful and unrepentant heart will always justify and explain away sin.  Look around you.  

Why do I need the Cross?  I'm a good person.  I'm a much better person than (insert any name here).  Can you save yourself?  Can your intellect save you from an eternity in hell?  Proverbs 16:25 tells us that "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death".  

The Cross is foolish to the unbeliever because holding oneself up to it we see our sinfulness for all that it truly is.  And in that we feel the need to surrender to Christ, which means we surrender to God as our Lord.  To do that, one must give up their own wisdom.  Give up their own glory,  For His.  Sadly, most are unwilling to admit that my ways are NOT better than God's ways.  

In spite of how foolish it appears, the Cross serves four very important purposes.

First, Jesus died on the cross to satisfy His justice.  We are all sinners.  Romans 6:23 says that "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord".  We are law breakers.  God's supreme law.  When we break the law, there is a penalty.  Jesus was completely sinless and paid that penalty for you and me.  

Second, we were redeemed by Jesus' death on the cross.  As I stated above, we are all sinners.  We are born as enemies of God due to sin in the world.  Through the cross, He provided us a way back to Him.  

Third, Jesus's death on the cross was an act of grace.  Unlike the world and those in it, God does not excuse or sin and consider it minor.  The cross justifies the believer.  HE forgives us and restores us to Himself when we repent.  Our salvation was paid for with a very costly price.  

Lastly, the cross reconciles all who believe to the Father.  As a sinful enemy of God, there is a chasm between us and out Creator.  Only Jesus can close that gap, tear down that wall of separation.  

The Cross transforms lives.  Without it, there is no salvation, no forgiveness of sin.  There is no relief of guilt, no peace of mind.  There is no eternal life with Him.  

What does the cross mean to you?  Is it merely a symbol?  Does it cause you feelings of grief or confusion?  Would you believe that there are actually modern churches that feel that having a cross at the church is a hinderance to attracting nonbelievers?  I will go ahead and say this; if you attend such a church, RUN!  Run as if your spiritual life depends on it!  Why do you think the early believers chose the cross as a symbol of their belief?  They could have chosen so many other objects to represent him: A manger, a boat, an apron for washing the feet of His disciples.  A Throne?  A crown?  Yet they chose the cross.  The cross says that the wages of my sin were fully paid.  A perfect sacrifice was offered on my behalf.  Through that very cross I know that I have been redeemed with a price.  Sin has been defeated.  

How will you allow the Cross to impact your life?  Will you allow it to motivate you?  Will it inspire you?  When was the last time that you thanked God for the Cross?

This Easter, embrace the Cross and allow it to fully transform you into who God created you to be!  

Happy Passion Week!


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