A Seat At The Table Part 1

Recently I had the tremendous opportunity to deliver the Sunday morning message at our church.  I knew exactly what it was going to be on, as it had swirled around me for weeks prior.  Psalm 23.  What follows is a synopsis of that message.  I hope that it blessed someone as it did me.

A Seat At The Table

For months now, the 23rd Psalm has been on my mind and in the forefront of nearly every devotion that I do daily.  It was also glaring me in the face multiple times a day on Social Media.  I could only wonder what God was trying to tell me.  Then I stumbled across a study that pulled it all together and I saw the 23rd Psalm in a whole new light.  While the 23rd Psalm has always been one of my favorite passages, it has now taken on a completely new dynamic.  

As you read this, I want you to think about something; We have an enemy before us.

We have allowed the enemy to access our conversations, our attitudes, and our emotions.  He has access to the very way that we respond to people and the way we view situations.

We have allowed the enemy into our story.  We are in essence having a conversation with a killer at our table.

What do we know about the 23rd Psalm?  It is a Psalm of David, right?  What do we know about David?  He was a King.  He was a Warrior.  David was a Shepherd.

Now let's take the 23rd Psalm apart and really learn from it.

David opens with this line The Lord is my Shepherd

We all have some sort of shepherd in our lives.  All of us are shepherded whether we realize it or not.  Your shepherd might not be Jesus, but something is going to lead you.  

Maybe you are saying, nah, I don't have a shepherd.  Nobody leads me. I call the shots.  I make all of the decisions around here.  Great!  Then you are your own shepherd.  You are leading yourself.

You are depending on yourself to lead yourself to still water and green pastures.  One thing is for certain: If you are your own shepherd, it is likely you are in want.

When we are our own shepherd, we end up paraphrasing Psalm 23 like this:  I am my own shepherd, and I am a mess.  I don't have everything I need, that's for sure.  I wouldn't know still water if it were staring me in the face.  I haven't taken a rest in green pastures for quite a while now.  My cup definitely overflows-I'm full of angst, consumed by anger, sorrow and rage.  I'm so full I easily spill over and it doesn't take much for me to explode.  I don't know what's going to follow me all the days of my life, but I can tell you this one thing: My soul? Not so great.  

When you allow Jesus to be your shepherd He steps into this stressed-out culture and becomes your replenishing guide.  

David continues, I lack nothing

David isn't saying that he got everything he ever wanted.  Yet he never lacked anything he needed any day of his life.  

Psalm 23:1-4 shows us exactly what it looks like when the Lord is our shepherd: He makes me to lie down in green pastures.  He guides me along the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.  Your rod and your staff they comfort me.

When life gets busy and stressful, and you are at risk of cracking and crumbling, the Lord makes you do the one thing that will ensure you don't fall apart.  You need rest.  And sometimes, He will use circumstances that we don't like to get us into a pasture that we really need.

When the Lord is our shepherd, we have guidance and direction. 

When we allow Him to lead us, we will not fear.  We WILL find peace and comfort.  

Later I will finish the 23rd Psalm for you.  Next we will discuss Him preparing a table for us in teh presence of our enemies and the battle for your mind.  I hope that this blesses someone and that God guides you and brings you peace.  


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