
Showing posts from May, 2023

A Seat At The Table Part 1

Recently I had the tremendous opportunity to deliver the Sunday morning message at our church.  I knew exactly what it was going to be on, as it had swirled around me for weeks prior.  Psalm 23.  What follows is a synopsis of that message.  I hope that it blessed someone as it did me. A Seat At The Table For months now, the 23rd Psalm has been on my mind and in the forefront of nearly every devotion that I do daily.  It was also glaring me in the face multiple times a day on Social Media.  I could only wonder what God was trying to tell me.  Then I stumbled across a study that pulled it all together and I saw the 23rd Psalm in a whole new light.  While the 23rd Psalm has always been one of my favorite passages, it has now taken on a completely new dynamic.   As you read this, I want you to think about something; We have an enemy before us. We have allowed the enemy to access our conversations, our attitudes, and our emotions.  He has access to the very way that we respond to people and