
Showing posts from April, 2023
  Answering the   Question   If you could ask God one question and you knew that you had the assurance of an answer, what would it be?   When this is posed to groups, the most common question is: Why does God allow pain and suffering in the world? This question is usually asked by two groups of people: Those asking a purely intellectual question and those actively going through pain and suffering.  With this in mind, always try to determine if they are in the latter group when they ask.  If so, you are looking at someone to "be Jesus" to them.  They are looking for someone to love them, take care of them and reach out to them.  For those asking a purely intellectual question, well we don't have a complete answer for that in Scripture.   In 1 Corinthians 13:12 it says For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known . Basically, this side of Heaven, we see things dimly.   We don’t understand

The Message of The Cross

  For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1st Corinthians 1:18 For time immortal, mankind has attempted to make sense of the world around him through philosophies, theories and basic knowledge.  Mankind simply cannot grasp the Truth of God.  Only His wisdom will help us to traverse the right path for our lives.   From a human perspective, it seems strange that the Creator would come to Earth as a man, die on a wooden cross, come back to life then go back to Heaven.  IT may even seem more impossible that our very salvation would come from believing in that same Jesus Christ  that died for our sins.  How could the death, burial and resurrection of a man so long ago determine the destiny of every single human ever created?  We simply cannot comprehend the Cross and its complete message.   Mankind's wisdom may can show us our problems, but it can't provide all of the solutions to them.  Hopefully

The Park Bench

 This is my first foray into blogging in several years.  For many years I wrote political blogs and finally realized that it was simply causing me misery and anger.  That is not who I am, and more importantly, that is not who I was created to be.  Let me be perfectly clear here, I am not a perfect Christian.  But I am and always try to be open and receptive to the moving of the Holy Spirit.  This is where this blog now stems from.  I felt the overwhelming draw to get back to writing, which has always been my stress relief and way of pouring out my thoughts (except for all of the political junk).  Below is my very first blogpost under this new endeavor.  I am still trying to discern if it should move into a podcast of some sort, but as of now that isn't clear.  In my writings, I hope that you see and read less of me and more of Him.  If not, then I am not doing something right.  This "lesson" is one I gave at church one Sunday morning after being convicted over the lesson