
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Battle For Your Mind

  The Battle For Our Mind   In Proverbs 23:7 God tells us that “ As a man or woman thinks in their heart, so are they ”   In other words, what happens in the battlefield of our minds ends up translating itself in and through our lives, our actions, our decisions, and writes the story of our lives.   Whatever you give shelter and sustenance to in your mind is ultimately what will grow in your garden. You're going to reap what you sow   You have the power to change your mind. You may not have the power to change your circumstances. You may not have any control over the situation, but you can pray about it.   God wants us to wake up to the reality that by the power of Almighty God and through the transforming work of his word, we can change our minds. If you change your mind according to God’s word you change you. If you change your thoughts, you change your actions, then your change your path, and that’s when you change your life.   It’s all about you taking co

A Seat At The Table Part 2

 Part 2 of A Seat At The Table  The 23rd Psalm Verse 5 says You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.   Now, keep that verse in mind as we will return to it several times and really dive into what I think that is saying to us in line with what we are discussing today.   The table God has prepared for you will not sequester you nor will it extract you from a broken world. In fact, it tells us that the table will be situated right in the middle of your enemies You don’t have to worry though, you will feel and know his presence because He is seated at the table with you.   Now, what if you are your own shepherd?   He is not seated at the table with you.   What can I expect?   In whatever way the Devil gains access to your table, his goals are always the same.   He wants to gain access to your mind so he can destroy you. He wants to get inside your head so harmful thoughts can be planted within you. Those thoughts will grow unchecked and spill out into action